Image Courtesy of Manik Rathee via Flickr Creative Commons
Any pet lover will tell you that a home just doesn’t feel complete unless it has at least one fur-bearing family member. They will probably also tell you that sharing their home with little Fido makes housekeeping just a bit more challenging. We won’t disagree that it’s a fair trade-off. We’re pet parents, too! We totally understand your affection for your best friend, and we are pleased to tell you that there is no reason that your pet-friendly apartment can’t be just as clean and fresh as those without pets. Here are a few tips and tricks for keeping your home tidy and odor-free in the presence of your naturally messy, furry friend:
Clean Now, Not Later.
Bad news, procrastinators. When it comes to pet odors, time is not on your side. As a general rule, the longer you leave it, the worse it will be. For cat litter boxes, scooping at least once daily is your best bet. If you share your home with a dog, messes can be a bit less predictable. We all know that accidents happen from time to time, so try to be prepared. Keep enzymatic pet odor neutralizers and the appropriate disinfectants in your arsenal of cleaning products so that they will be ready to go, should the need arise. Whatever you do, don’t wait!
Be Proactive About Pet Hair Control.
When you share your home with a cat or dog, hair on the floors and furniture can be an ongoing problem. It’s true that certain breeds tend to shed more than others, but this is a pretty universal issue for pet-friendly homes everywhere. Oftentimes, if you speak with your veterinarian, he or she will offer suggestions for supplements or even a new diet that will get all of that hair under control. You may also want to ask your groomer for brush or shampoo recommendations.
Less proactive measures, such as vacuuming, sweeping, and dry mopping are also helpful in pet hair control, but it’s almost impossible to catch every single stray hair. The best thing to do is to speak with a pet care professional about what you can to do reduce your pet’s shedding.
Practice good hygiene.
There’s no nice way to say it. If your pet stinks, your apartment home will stink. You can scrub the entire place until it shines, but until you address the source of the odor, it will never go away. This tends to be more of a problem with dogs than with cats, but the reality is that it can happen with any pet species. Regular bathing and brushing will go a long way toward keeping your home free of offensive smells. You can also use a dry shampoo between baths for extra odor control.
Consider, too, that sometimes the smell is coming from somewhere unexpected. For example, odiferous ears may be a sign that your putrid pup is suffering from an ear infection. Not only do you want to go on living with the smell, but you don’t want your friend to be miserable. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian if there are hygiene issues that you can’t seem to get a handle on. Chances are, there is a bigger problem under the surface.
At the end of the day, there aren’t many of us who would trade our pets for a spotless apartment. However, nobody wants to live in malodorous conditions that make it impossible to relax or have guests over. Fortunately, with a bit of diligence, you don’t have to choose between your loved ones and a comfortable home. You can have the best of both worlds.