No matter how hard we try, many of us still find ourselves giving up on our New Year’s fitness and health resolutions halfway through the year. It’s challenging to stay motivated and stick to a workout regiment. Luckily for Boulder residents though, the city has many public spaces and gyms where you can stay active to meet your New Year’s goals. [Read more…]
How to Create That Warm and Cozy Feeling in an Apartment
When many people hear “rental apartment,” they don’t necessarily think of a warm and cozy home. While the personalization of a rental home can certainly be more challenging, there are still plenty of small touches that will make your Boulder townhouse or apartment feel warm, cozy, and totally unique. [Read more…]
How to Handle the Daylight Savings Time Switch
It’s almost that time of the year—time to set the clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 2nd at 2 a.m. While for many the “fall back” switch is easier than the “spring forward,” it can still take days before your body’s internal clock adjusts to the time change. Here are a few ways to prepare your schedule, your body, and your apartment to make sure the switch goes as smoothly as possible. [Read more…]